A project that is a partnership between the Vamos Falar Português Foundation and renowned artist Rogério Peixoto was launched in March and encourages and teaches children in South Florida the love of art. “Making Art with VFP and R. Peixoto” will be carried out by the foundation’s Portuguese teaching center in the city of Boca Raton, every two weeks.

According to the president of the Vamos Falar Português Foundation, Cristiane Martins, more than 70 children registered for the program. A number that was not a surprise to her. “Parents trust the quality of everything VFP offers for their children, and this project would be no different. Very happy with all of this!”, he stated.

Peixoto described his experience at VFP as exciting: “The first day of class was exciting! Being able to bring names from our art to these children is very rewarding. They are really excited about the project and I am even more so!”

The pilot program will continue at VFP Boca Raton until the end of May and already has plans for expansion.

Photo: VFP

Link to the article: https://acontece.com/b/2666-fazendo-arte-com-a-fundacao-vamos-falar-portugues